Welcome to Structure CMS 6.5, Account Console & MR Sign In
We have some exciting news to share! We have just released Structure CMS 6.5, Account Console and MR Sign In. Please take a moment to read the release notes below, log in to the new Structure CMS, and give us some feedback.
Structure Analytics
Google Schmoogle!
Most of you know how we feel about Silicon Valley. It pains us that the industry ever relied on Google Analytics, but that could soon end. Soon we will have the pleasure of releasing Structure 6.5, a suite of dashboards complete with data visualization, intelligence, and server-side tracking.
Structure Analytics will replace some Google Analytics advanced features and a majority of their standard features, but we are just getting started.
We are thrilled to announce that Structure 6.5 brings privacy to your website. That’s right, your website’s analytics will not be shared with Silicon Valley giants.
Server-Side Marketing Tracker
In April, Apple, Google, and Facebook killed third-party cookie tracking/marketing. It not only changes the ability to market via cookies, it affects several other marketing features like lead tracking.
Apple changed its terms of service and added privacy tools to Safari and its 3 OSs (iOS, iPadOS, and MacOS) that prevent cross-site tracking.
Traditionally marketers were able to drop a cookie thru Javascript on a website visitor's device. The cookie could report the visitor's internet and travel back to the origin of the cookie or more commonly if the cookie was present when visiting affiliate sites, more relevant ads and content could be marketed to the visitor.
With the last versions of Apple’s operating systems, this has been essentially blocked and apps that continue to do it are in violation of Apple’s terms of service. Facebook & Google are the big dogs in this arena, thus they have to change the way they do marketing tracking.
Google tracking for analytics is all done on the same domain so there are no changes to the way you track with Google Analytics.
Facebook however has completely rebuilt the tracking pixel system as the pixel integration now needs to be server-side to fire the marking data back to Facebook from your website. We have made this our starting point and have a full integration with the Facebook marking pixel system.
- Server-side data collection
- Securely sent in the background to Facebook marketing dashboard
- Ability to add multiple tracking pixels from multiple Facebook accounts
- Future proof
- We will add new services to the marketing tracking module
- Native Structure internal marketing tracking coming soon
MR Sign In
If you have used Google or Facebook Sign In on other applications, you are familiar with Single Sign On (SSO) fuctionality.
MR Sign In is Market Rithm's SSO application which will unify your user credentials across all Market Rithm applications, starting with Structure CMS and Account Console...Deployer will follow. MR Sign In will provide both convenience, additional security and tie in Market Rithm applications.
Account Console
Account Console is the administrative glue to the Market Rithm's applications, starting with Structure CMS. Account Console's primary functions will be:
Property Management: All of your Structure CMS web properties will be managed on your Account Console dashboard. You will be able to jump to Structure CMS to manage your website content, manage your site settings, API integrations, DNS (coming soon), SSL's and much more…
Onboarding: You will be able to add new Structure CMS websites with a few clicks of a button. You will even be able to select a template, a base install for custom templates, or start naked and structure your web project from the ground up.
Go Live: When you create a new Structure CMS site, you will have the option to build on our staging domain on yourdomain.structure.site until you are ready to Go Live. Once your domain is pointed and you are ready to announce to the world your site is ready, you click the Go Live button and you are live. Inviting new users: Users with user management permissions will be able to invite new users, set permissions, and remove old users in Account Console.
Account Management: You will have new account management controls, including, upgrading/downgrading your Structure CMS plan(s), adding/removing add on features like Site Search, Learning Management, Support, Increasing Team Members, increasing page views on your plan or upgrading your website(s) SSL.
Billing: Account console will offer both monthly and annual billing options, and our existing clients will have the option to choose credit card or invoice billing.
Support Tickets: Built into Account Console is our new Ticket Management System which will allow you to submit support or feature request tickets and communicate directly with our support staff until the ticket has been resolved.
But wait, there is more...
If you are a marketing agency or web developer, you can apply for agency status. We built Structure CMS and Deployer for our agency to serve our clients...simply stated our SaaS platforms are "Purpose-built by our agency, for your agency" and as a Market Rithm agency, you will have access to agency tools and generous revenue sharing opportunities.
Account Console will give you the power to:
- Onboard new sites
- Select website templates
- Upgrade or downgrade your package
- Add or delete new team members to your package
- Invite team members to your websites
- Set permissions for your team members
- Add additional page views and features to your package such as ElasticSearch
- Upgrade or downgrade your SSL
- Manage your site settings
- Manage APIs
- Manage your DNS (Coming Soon)
- Change billing or account information
- Submit & Manage tickets
- Stage a site in yourdomaincom.structure.site
- Launch your new website on your domain
Always at your service,
The Rithm Team
Release List
In Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.37, general bugs were fixed.
In Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.36, the profanity filter was f&*#*ng fixed.
In Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.35, new functionality for content import was added, and issues with the MRSS image import were resolved.
In Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.34, a new feature for cycling children was added, as well as minor updates to the UI and other bug fixes.
In Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.33, the content feed was equipped to better manage nil mapped values, and a slew of pesky bugs were destroyed.
Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.32 introduced two new tags, and some changes to the Comment Count.
In Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.31, an in-house Comment Engine was introduced.
In Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.30, the Custom Cropper was removed. Everyone makes mistakes.
Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.29 introduced the Custom Cropper, and squashed some bugs.
In Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.28, the issue with loading all categories was resolved.
In Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.27, exclude limit changes were added for the collect tag.
In Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.26, a new category tag was added: Category Exclusion.
In Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.25, category tags were updated and issues with image pagelets were resolved.
In Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.23, minor updates were added to image pagelets and attribution.
Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.22 resolved some bugs and made a minor update to API Integration.
In Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.21, minor updates were made to onboarding and Stripe integration.
In Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.20, several general bugs were squashed.
In Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.19, the MRSS Import and the Mongo DB Environment were updated.
In Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.18, MRSS Import was added and several minor bugs were squashed.
In Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.17, a slew of minor features were added, including Subscriber Import, Date Slug feature, and many more.
Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.16 features Cross Domain Sharing, plus some minor updates and bug fixes.
Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.15 added an API call to check Rithm Package installations, as well as two other minor updates.
In Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.14, Psyclone packages were rebranded, and several bugs were fixed..
In Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.13, we addressed the issue of lagged performance in high-volume category counts.
Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.12 presents several minor updates, including fine-tuning the Stripe integration and an addition to the Auto Embed feature.
In Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.9, we addressed the email autofill issue with Ajax and introduced some minor updates, including further Zapier integration.
With Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.8, we resolved issues with Fortis e-commerce forms and executed a rake task for migration to ignitecdn.
Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.7 addressed several bugs, including a Narrowed Scope bug and issues with Page Edit and Copy on draft mode.
With Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.4, users can preview their work before going live. No more guesswork, preview on draft mode!
Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.2 features the Session Expiration Modal, which allows users to renew their session before it expires. Time saved, work saved! Plus two new payment integrations and more.
Structure CMS™ Version 6.8.1 allows users to toggle on and off Smart Editor, to better suit particular situations. Plus, we brought out the Raid and killed the bugs from version 6.8.
Structure CMS™ Version 6.8 features a time saver that has everyone breathing a sigh of relief: Smart Paste. Plus, say goodbye to colleagues overwriting your work! Read more to see how that magic happens.
Structure CMS™ Version 6.7.29 packs a punch with new optional Autosave and user Save Protection features plus real-time Character / Word Counter for pagelets.
Several updates including two major new features: Word Count and Session Timeout Extension.
Click-click-done! Introducing Keyboard Shortcuts, and Subscriber Import.
Oh, Canada! You're now integrated into Stripe; plus form upgrade and geolocation addition.
Further integrating Stripe, and several minor upgrades.
A plethora of new WordPress migration tools; plus additional updates and bug fixes
Migration to Oracle Cloud, major update to Form Builder, and upgraded infrastructure and hardware.
Major new features including Wallet System, MrSign.in upgrades, and enhancements to image management system including Unsplash integration.