A window will appear prompting you to renew your session (log in again) before it expires ensuring no work is lost. The modal will appear on pages, layouts, psycodes, pagesets.
Preview for code mirrors in public forms, e-commerce forms, layouts, psycodes, pagelets.
Note not all code is previewable. If the code can be previewed it will display.
Dan Bongino's Parallel Economy payment gateway integration.
Fortis payment gateway integration.
Session expiration timer parallelly runs with user cookie. This allows for a more accurate notification when your session will end.
Our 6.1 release of StructureCMS™ includes Major updates to Backup Restore and E-commerce forms as well as some minor bug fixes and a brand new module called Psyclone.IT.
We have some exciting news to share! We have just released Structure CMS 6.0, the first of a series of new feature rollouts and upgrades planned for the remainder of 2019.